Travel Agent vs. Online Booking

Why Use a Travel Agent?
Planning a trip today can be confusing and time consuming. A travel agent not only arranges the various modes of transportation, but a travel agent also may be able to save you money with early booking discounts, special fares, hotel deals and travel advisories. And the personalized service these agents can give you is often worth far more than the modest fees they charge.


Online Travel Booking vs. Using a Travel Agent?
The cost can depend on what airlines and flight they use for your trip. You would need to know what all they are including, and if it is ALL Inclusive. If you find a lower rate, provide that information to your agent and see if she is able to price match the travel package. Booking online rates are more often available due to “longer layover fight time, or flight transfer, booking for travel at the last minute, with or without airport transfer, with or without a meal plan or just not having a agent to call on if something goes wrong doing your trip.

Save Money – Strong working relationships with travel suppliers and the latest in computer reservations technology enable travel agents to access the most up-to-date information on how to get you the best value.

Agents Will Go the Extra Mile – Agents work for you and will do everything they can to meet your travel needs. At Divine Explorers Travel, we literally go that extra mile to help our clients.

Service – Travel Agencies provide the education, training and resource materials to its members to equip them with the tools to offer the highest quality of service.


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